And do not even get me started on the fall makeup!!!!
If you follow me on instagram I am sure you can tell that I am currently quite obsessed with dark lips. They just scream fall. Unfortunately I find that darker lipstick colours really highlight chapped lips (which can go hand in hand with cooler temps). So here are my Fall do's and tips plus a few don't... but really in my mind anything goes with makeup; if you feel fab WERK it!
Dark Vampy Lips:
DO: Anything goes this Fall; violet, burgundy, deep classic red, copper... just rock it with a touch of blush and some mascara. I am loving matte red lips - see below!
TIP: For me dark lips make the slightest flaw stand out! Just today I noticed my lips were a little dry and I really did not want to forgo my dark lips. My solution was simple and very effective. I wiped off my lipstick, grabbed a sugar cube from the lunchroom at work, moistened it a TAD and ran it over my lips. Instant results and it tastes yummy too! Reapply and you are set!
DON'T: Please please please do not do a massive smudge-y smokey eye with dark lips, I get the look is vampy but we are not vampires. If you want to do anything to your eyes a simple cat eye is the way to go. That is all... period! Nails:
DO(s): I am slightly obsessed with matte nails, swipe on a coat of matte topcoat and your mani is instantly changed! And you can do awesome nail art, the pic below is a bit blurry but it is a diagonal line with matte tips on the top.
Also I am still on the ring finger as a different colour. See my mani below! I love the contrast and that it is very wearable! I used Revlon Gray Suede and Essie Merino Cool.DON'T: Personally I do not think there are any don't when it comes to nails - go wild!
DO: Smokey eyes are always fabulous anytime of the year but you can definitely get away with wearing a softer smokey eye during the day with cooler weather vs in the summer during the day.
Forrest greens, coppers, plums and soft greys are perfect for this weather. Experiment with different colours to see what best suits you.
TIPS: This Fall I predict there will be a lot of cat eyes, get yourself a 3 dot eye tool. It gives a steadier hand and makes lining your eyes much easier and it allows you to change your style between thick cat eyes to very thin liner with ease!
DON'T: For me this a don't but for you it could be a do! I see a trend in red eye makeup - I personally think it looks scary! This is one trend I do not want to take part in! It actually does not look bad below but on me it is a NO GO!
Two last tips:
For extra white teeth I have been brushing with baking soda mixed with a drop of water (make it like a paste) and then using my regular tooth paste... I saw it on my friend's facebook and had to try it. I was skeptical BUT it gave me better results that using the most expensive box of Crest White strips! I was at a family party about 2 months ago and so many people noticed a massive difference! Try it! I swear my teeth have never been so white!!!
Do not forget the power of a natural look! As much as I love makeup a natural look is always a classic!!!!
XOXO Chantilly
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